The Dare2Dream Foundation deliver a wide variety of highly bespoke social and emotional wellbeing, positive behaviour support and alternative education provisions.
The core aim of our work is to enhance both the mental health and life opportunities of vulnerable children and young people.
Our work is located in some of the most deprived areas of the UK, with an increasingly high number of children suffering from a variety of mental health conditions.

The Dare2Dream Foundation has an enviable reputation for offering therapeutic support, mentoring, vocational and academic education for vulnerable children and young people.
We are committed to providing a high quality support service delivered by our team of dedicated practitioners who are committed to our child centred approach. We enable children to access the support they require to engage with education, develop work skills, life skills and study for qualifications. We want all children to flourish in school, the wider community and in later life.
The Dare2Dream Foundation support children and young people identified as:
• Vulnerable / at Risk
• Special Educations Needs and Disability (SEND)
• Looked After Children
• On the Cusp of Exclusion
• Disengaged from Education

• Schools and Academies
• Virtual Schools
• Local Authorities – supporting SEND, Exclusions, Youth Offending and post 16 teams
• Alternative Education Settings
• Care Providers

We continue to change lives by working in direct partnership with local authorities including:
Our mission is to enhance the wellbeing and life opportunities of children and young people by providing bespoke, social and emotional support whilst working in partnership with local authorities, schools and like minded community organisations.

Our vision is a generation of resilient young people that will have the confidence and self-belief to flourish in everyday life whilst achieving their dreams.

Stay up to date with everything happening at The Dare2Dream Foundation!