All employees of The Dare2Dream Foundation have all been issued with updated information and procedures following the latest National Guidance (May 2021) – these are in place with immediate effect. A summary of this can be found below.

The Dare2Dream Foundation continue to closely monitor updates from the government regarding Covid-19 coronavirus. Below is our response to the latest government advice which can be found here:

The Dare2Dream Foundation remain wholly committed to ensuring that we keep all our children, young people and staff as safe as possible and are taking all necessary precautions. Due to the vulnerabilities, complex needs and circumstances around the children and young people that we support, we will be continuing delivery of our services, unless directed otherwise by our commissioning authorities.


1. Alternative Education Provisions

Children should continue to attend our Alternative Provision sites (Arley, Coombe) unless they present any of the following symptoms:

  • A high temperature
  • A new, continuous cough
  • A loss or change to sense of smell or taste

Children should not attend if they or anybody in their household is presenting symptoms.

Social distancing and increased hygiene measures will be fully complied with.

If a child develops symptoms during the session they will need to be collected immediately by parents / carers.

This is based upon updated government advice and more information, along with timeframes for self-isolation can be found here:


2. One2One Therapeutic / Mentoring Programmes

Where children are supported on a one to one basis, the following procedures are in place with immediate effect:

· Practitioners will continue to deliver face to face sessions

We request that parents / carers let practitioners know prior to the session if any of the residents are exhibiting the following symptoms:

  • A high temperature
  • A new, continuous cough
  • A loss or change to sense of smell or taste


Where sessions are able to go ahead, social distancing and increased hygiene measures will be fully complied with.

When a session is unable to go ahead, The Dare2Dream Foundation have a virtual platform to continue to deliver our services where required and requested by commissioning authorities.

Where required, timeframes for the postponement of sessions will be based upon NHS advice regarding self-isolation which can be found here:


3. One2One sessions in the community / school settings

Where our One2One sessions are delivered within the community we firstly have requested all staff to follow point 2 above. Where all in the household are healthy and / or not in a period of self-isolation the sessions will go

ahead. We have requested all staff follow the advice for social distancing where possible:

  • Avoid locations where mass numbers are likely
  • Comply with government social distancing guidelines
  • Make use of The Dare2Dream Foundation venues or outdoor spaces
  • Sanitise your hands wherever possible, including entering and leaving buildings
  • All staff and children / young people over 11 to wear PPE whilst travelling in vehicles
  • Open vehicle windows where possible, and regularly clean and disinfect high touch surfaces
  • All staff and children / young people over 11 to wear PPE in indoor settings as outlined by the government
  • Where sessions are due to take place in schools please communicate with the school directly and follow the policies and procedures they have in place to protect yourself and others

More information about protecting yourselves and others from Coronavirus can be found here:


4. Holiday Clubs

Dare2Dream Holiday Clubs are currently under review and will be subject to the guidance issued in the coming weeks.

5. Staff Testing

In line with National guidelines we are encouraging staff to participate in asymptomatic lateral flow testing twice weekly (every 3 to 4 days) in line with government guidelines,

The tests are not mandatory, but strongly encouraged. If you test positive you should self-isolate immediately following government advice and inform HR at The Dare2Dream Foundation as soon as possible.

Tests are available by following the link below:


The Dare2Dream Foundation are committed to ensuring our services remain as optimal as possible for everyone that we support. We will of course continue to closely follow and comply with the Public Health authorities and all associated guidance to ensure we keep all of the children and young people we support safe, and that our staff are supported to provide the best delivery of our services.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.