Intervention Model2020-01-21T11:33:39+00:00

Project Description

Our Intervention Model

The Dare2Dream Foundation’s bespoke intervention model is specifically designed to support both individuals and targeted groups identified as:

  • Vulnerable / at Risk
  • Special Educations Needs and Disability (SEND)
  • Looked After Children
  • On the Cusp of Exclusion
  • Disengaged from Education

Who we work with?

  • Schools and Academies
  • Virtual Schools
  • Local Authorities – supporting SEND, Exclusions, Youth Offending and post 16 teams
  • Alternative Education Settings
  • Care Providers


Early intervention

  1. Small group work
  2. Whole class delivery

Key themes include:

  • Positive behaviour support
  • Social and emotional wellbeing
  • Personal development


Specialist 1:1 support

Examples include:

  1. Counselling
  2. Play therapy
  3. Mentoring


Alternative Education

Provision Short Courses:

  1. Personal Development Support
  2. Positive Behaviour Support
  3. Academic Tutoring

Long Term Courses:

  1. Range of Work Related Learning Qualifications
  2. Academic Qualifications including Functional Skills
  3. Personal Development Qualifications

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