
We offer a vast range of bespoke support and interventions for children and young people who require a personalised approach to flourish in their everyday lives.

Our One2One programmes are centred around personal development, building life skills and supporting educational achievement. Our highly skilled practitioners include:

• Counsellors
• Play Therapists
• Mentors
• Teachers

We offer our service in a variety of settings including:

• School
• Home
• Alternative Provisions
• Community Venues


We are supporting an increasing number of young people that temporarily find themselves disengaged from education. We work with them to develop strategies and skills to enable a positive reengagement / transition into a suitable setting once the opening arises.

See the information below to gain an understanding in to what our One2One programmes include.


Our One2One Social and Emotional Wellbeing support is tailored to meet the needs of the child or young person. The positive outcomes achieved on completion of the programme include:

• Enhanced social and emotional wellbeing

• Increased attendance

• Fewer classroom disruptions

• Improved classroom performance

• Improved relationships with peers and staff

• Re-engagement with education


At times, children and young people present challenging behaviours that require immediate intervention. Their behaviour may have led to issues in school, for example being on the cusp of exclusion or disengaged from education. It may have also led to the breakdown of relationships with family, peers and their wider support network.

We work to address their behaviour by using effective ways to understand the underlying causes and develop coping strategies. The positive outcomes achieved on completion of the programme may include:

• Enhanced social and emotional wellbeing
• Reduction of exclusions
• Fewer classroom disruptions
• Re-engagement with education
• Increased attendance
• Improved classroom performance
• Improved relationships with peers and staff


The Dare2Dream Foundation offer a range of personalised support programmes for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We recognise that some children with SEND may experience a range of social and emotional difficulties which manifest themselves in different ways. These may include: 


• Becoming withdrawn or isolated

• Displaying challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour

• Disengaged from education


These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health difficulties. Other children may have disorders such as:


• Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

• Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADHD)

• Attachment Disorder (AD)

• Anxiety and / or Depression

Stay up to date with everything happening at The Dare2Dream Foundation!